Saturday, April 7, 2012


khas lagu buat abah..hahaha..jgn nak menggatal..

jalan2 ke melaka..

erm..lame x jalan..farah ajak aku datang mersing amik pown nek la bas
p mersing..jz nk temankn dia balik ke Klang..otw ..kami singgah p melaka..bandar tempat2 yg menarik..

byk kowt..lagi2 berpeluang la naik river gak..hu3..tgk kapal besar dowh.
rupenye..byk lagi tempat2 menarik kat malaysia nie..xpyh p oversea..singpore thai ke..
sini semua nye kita ade..hu3..CUTI CUTI MALAYSIA

dah jatuh ditimpa tangga

rini i was on da way nak balik sepang..dengan semangatnye bawak duit rm 400
coz nk bayar duit kereta esok..nk jimat sangat so aku naik motor..lagipn dah petang confirm
jam nye..

terdetik niat aku nk ikot jalan kampung ..kot2 motor rosak or takot polis tahan
coz dah 4bulan ak xd kad pengenalan..hilang n malas nak buat..

tetibe..ngah memecut laju..krek!!!krek!!eh???wtfish???asal lak tetibe aku pn stop.
tgk2 host minyak petrol i tot mayb minyak x masuk ak pn
hentam je bawak moto..last2..kreeeeeeek!!!!booom!!!perrrgh...kuar asemua minyak itam.

confirm..motor aku kne overhaul..ya 4jj1..apelah ujian yg Kau beri..ak tolak motor sampai kedai..
n estimate dalam 5-6 rat gak nak repair..habis duit nk bayar kereta..last2..aku tepon Farah suruh
amik..bout my motor..aku tinggal je tepi jalan..n sempat bagi flying kick ala ala bruce lee..
tu makan dier...asyik rosak jer..

aku decide..tamat lah riwayat ko wahai the end of this month ak nk gak beli LC135
..myb dah sampai ajal dia..jom ramai2 talkhin kan

Monday, August 15, 2011

baby bunny..dhani and dhania

last friday ak amik nour kt tmpt kje dy..nk ajak berbuka la kononye..
so p uptown..mcm bese..brutu madu n steam boat..nyum2..tetibe nk balik
accident lak tersempak dgn penjual arnab..nour pnh jnji dgn ank buah dy
nk bg arnab..

so kitorg pn jz tgk2..rm18 sekor??murah kowt..nour lak bertegas nak
beli tp ak xbg..oleh kerana dia wat muke seposen..ak pown bagi je..
tp rabbit ni beby lagi..wut if beli least ad i pick another 1.
jadilah sepasang..comel gile rabbit ni..ak byk bela kucing je..1st time rabbit.

1 je masalah..ak lak yg kne pegang cz nour dok dgn kwn2 n mesti dorg la..otw nk balik tu jenuh pikir nk bagi name ape?oleh
kerana bln ni bn la name dhani n dhania..hu3..

time tu ak otw nk balik ak angkut dorg same nek jenab ak.
letak je kt dashboard..hu3..surprise..mak terkejut ad rabbit kt umah..
mak sgt suke sampai dy nk bela tp abah lak xbagi..dalam 2 hari gk lah
dorg main2 dgn tok nenek kt umh tu..sgt behave..kencing pn dlm bekas.
gud gurl....

smlm ak bwk angkut balik p umh bujang..lepaskn sat biar dorag men2
dalam bilik..ak pn tido..tibe2 bangun je pnuh kek pasar ramadhan atas
tilam..cis..xguna nye rabbit..berak ye..merata lak decide nk
 ground dorg..kurung dlm kandang 1 hari mkn pellet je.xmau beli carrot
pdan muka...buek!!


my mum ad sekolah swasta sendiri..agak byk gk la student..n after class
she went to other place jz mengajar marhaban bdk2 sekolah tmpt
tu ala2 taska aka transit aka tempat asuhan la..jz dorg xtau my mum is
the owner of the far dah 8thn sekolah tu operasi n ad stndard 1-6.

one day this taska owner ask my mother's opinion bout opening a branch
at my mother's place..its like throwing sand into her rice pot.their intension
was to get our student to transit at their place so they dont have to go to my
 mom's school.kt my area agk ssh nk cari sekolah agama.dats why JAIS
bg permit kt mak to privatize the school.SK KLIA ad sekolah agama sesi
jz bdk2 xd tempat nk stayback plus jauh..

dats why dis taska nk open branch..i said to my mum why dont we open
transit at this place b4 this taska take over the place?mum said its not a
gud thing to sabot peoples plan.Mum said if she open transit..there ll be no
one go to her school..BUTTT...mum...should we wait this taska to set up
1st?the result ll be the same..betol x?in fact they r the one who plan to sabot
us at the 1st place..

i set this school up wif my mum when i was in form3..its under my name pown.
i wont let it go..i ll monopolize everything..huh!!!

dalam hati ada taman

lame xdgr cite sal nour kan?he3..baru2 ni kami keluar p kenduri kwn sekolah.
ak yg bwk dy..lme kowt after 1bln then only kami keluar bersama.sampai je
kt utm semarak..kwn2 bertanye if kitorg ade pape? cz semacam je dtg same.
he3..peluang nih..

then kitorg pn sembang2 sal perkembangan masing2..hepi gile kowt dpt jmpe
kwn2..btw..sepanjg ak knl dgn nour..dats the 1st time kitorg amik gmbr sama2.
nth la ckp..kite xtahu jodoh kite..xle nk harap pd sumthing yg sempurna.

1 thing yg wt ak ske is not cz dy cntik or wut..jz i cant be wif sum1 yg sgt
"perfect".bg ker org yg leh time perangai gila ak plus xmatang nih?
mak selalu yg
tp taste ak is jz tukang sapu pn ak lg ske.

kali ni dah ade org nk so...nk pikir 2..3..kali ke?peluang dtg sekali..ak pn xtau
am i making the rite ni semua takdir..skrg ak gembira bersama Nour
n hrp dy bole time ak seadanya.

dlm idup ni xguna kita menyayangi sesuatu yg belum tentu..its better try unt
syg org yg hargai kite..syg kite ..

ak harap ini adalah titik tolak ak dalam perhubungan..ya 4jj1..berkatilah hubungan
kami n semoga ada jodoh antara kami..

p/s:sory xsempat nk tulis panjang2 cz sgt bz plus pnt bekerja

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Penculik Bon Odori

its 5.20..where is miyabi? never mind..should get something to eat.. curry puff.
it had been a long time i havent taste such a good curry puff..nyum..i bought 5
of those and enjoy it my self..still warming the engine..waiting for Miyabi. face turned to angry bird..feel like i wana hit someone..finally miyabi
turns up .OMG??shes gorgeous..beautiful like a picture..LOL.. with her
traditional Kimono..she attracted people's i kidnapped her..

she is pretty rite?

0600..without any delay.. i brought her to my car and drove her away..haha..
i made it..start to estimate the value of my hostage..1m??2m??
this little girl starts to make trouble..abg..can i hv ur moutain dew..thirsty..ish.. 
sibuk jew..

miyabi :abg..u gonna ask from my dad lot of money rite?
Mr K  : yup..otherwise i ll sell you..or..i rather get marry to you..=p
miyabi : b4 u get wut u want..can i ve sumthing in return?? i ve been  waiting
            for this day since last year..plz..i ll do wut ever it takes to..take me to
           The Bon Odori begging..i ll pay the tol..n fuel.

jeng..jeng..jeng...i drove miyabi to that hard to find parking..then 
have to pimpin dis little gurl melintas bagai...then we arrived around 7.. i dreaming??

lot of miyabi is here....someone gave me the tentative for gosh..
most of it was dancing event??1...2...3???3 sessions?is it some kind of 
DDR?? lovin it..start the 1st dance..miyabi treat me an ice cream..

at 9.15...event is i send miyabi back to her house..oppsss..
wait a minutes...isnt im supposed to kidnap her??after wut had happened
i knw she jz using me..playing arround wif me.wut a smart kids..hu3..